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史赛克 Solar 全肩置换系统(一) 收藏
  • 英文名称: Solar
  • 国产/进口:进口
  • 产地/品牌:美国/史塞克
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  • 参考报价: 询价
  • 总 访 问:1663
  • 半年访问:132
  • 产品类别:肩关节
  • 最后更新:2009-02-05
Features & Benefits:
     The system combines the most comprehensive selection of components with the simplest instrumentation.

Solar® Total Shoulder System Upper Extremity Surgical Protocol (1)

Fig 1. Patient Positioning:The back is flexed 30° to 45°, the legs are padded and bent


Fig 2.  Patient Positioning:A half liter IV bag or surgical towels are placed beneath the involved scapula to improve exposure of the articular surface.

Fig 3.  This begins 3-4cm medial to the acromioclavicular joint coursing distally over the coracoid process and along the deltopectoral fold.You will note that the cephalic vein ismedial to the coracoid.

Fig 4.  The cephalic vein is identified and taken laterally with the deltoid.

 Fig 5. A self-retaining or Richardson type retractor may be placed beneath the pectoralis medially and the deltoid laterally.

Fig 6. This allows additional exposure of the rotator interval and the anterior capsule.

Fig 7. At this point, it is advisable to palpate and, if possible, visualize the axillary nerve as it courses along the superficial surface of the subscapularis down into the axillary fold inferiorly

Fig 8. If there is excessive tension on the pectoralis major, the proximal two-thirds may be released at this point using electrocautery.

Fig 9. A horizontal limb, both superiorly and inferiorly, is then created and traction sutures are placed.

Fig 10. This is best accomplished by placing a retractor within the capsule at the inferior margin of the humeral head, externally rotating the arm, adducting and releasing that capsule intra-articularly, thus avoiding injury to the extracapsular axillary nerve.

Fig 11. The subscapularis is longitudinally dissected off the underlying tuberosity at the level of and immediately adjacent to the biceps tendon, a distance of approximately 1 to 2cm.

Fig 12. At the time of closure, the medial limb of the subscapularis is repaired to the lateral margin of the capsule, thus lengthening the anterior capsule 1 to 2cm and increasing external rotation by 20°–30°.

Fig 13. By flexing the elbow 90° and externally rotating the arm 30°–40°, the humeral head cut is made at right angles to the plane of the shaft and head, thereby achieving 30°-40° of retroversion.

Fig 14. The guide can be removed and the cut is completed; any residual osteophytes are resected. It is recommended that the resected head be saved for later comparison and sizing of the modular head.

Fig 15. Remaining labral tissue is excised and the margins of the glenoid are defined.

 Continued by:

(史赛克 Solar 全肩置换系统(二))




 Solar Bipolar Shoulder Replacement

 Solar Humeral Head detail


 Solar Shoulder Pegged Glenoid Component

 Solar Stem and Dual Offset Head

    史赛克公司是全球最大的骨科及医疗科技公司之一,总部设于美国密西根州的克拉马苏市,在全球有14个生产研发及销售分部,员工超过一万六千多人。产品涉及关节置换、创伤、颅面、脊柱、手术设备、神经外科、耳鼻喉、介入性疼痛管理、微创手术、导航手术、智能化手术室及网络通讯、生物科技、医用床、急救推床等。由于业绩良好,史赛克公司分别被美国著名的《财富》杂志及《Business Week》 评为财富500强公司及全美50大医疗公司之一。在2005年更被评为在医疗业界中最受景仰的公司。美国史赛克公司在纽约股票交易所上市。
    史赛克 Solar 全肩置换系统(一)
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      史赛克 Solar 全肩置换系统(一)
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